International KeyReturn was founded in 2009 by the directors of two separate Perth marketing agencies. They saw there was an opportunity to provide the KeyReturn product and service to the corporate market. Others had tried to launch a similar product, but nobody really made it work or engaged with Australia Post.

Chris and Carl each have over 30 years’ experience in marketing and currently work with some of Australia’s leading companies. They understand the importance of getting the best ‘bang for your buck’ for a company’s marketing dollar spend. They know that most promotional products don’t last much more than a few weeks or months, meaning a bad ROI for the business. They created a product in International KeyReturn that ensures your brand stays ’in the hand’ of your valued client for years. That’s because there is a real reason for your client to use their keyring and keep your brand in their hand.

Our product –
Our first client –
We Care –

We care about all of our clients and some we are also able to assist back to show we care about the work they do in the community.

we_care_keyreturn_shakeGavin White – Legacy Brisbane & Ross Cooper – International KeyReturn handing over a cheque for $2000 to support the work of Legacy.

Our International KeyReturn product and your brand stays in the hand of a client for years.

Gavin White – Legacy Brisbane & Ross Cooper – International KeyReturn

If it’s not a KeyReturn keyring – it’s only a key ring on a set of keys that stays lost !!